5 Benefits of Inquiry Based Learning

Social-emotional learning (SEL) is a curriculum aimed at making students more accepting of diversity, develop increased emotional awareness, and learn to practice problem-solving skills. All of this makes them more likely to become community leaders. Inquiry based learning is the favored teaching method in SEL schools. It prioritizes what students are interested in learning, how they learn it, and how they analyze and present their findings.

From the student’s point of view, inquiry based learning focuses on solving an open-ended question or problem. They must create fact-based solutions and out-of-the-box problem-solving skills to reach a conclusion. Then, they find a creative way to present it to their peers.

From a teacher’s perspective, inquiry-based learning focuses on developing fact-gathering and critical thinking skills. Teachers are guides through the student’s investigative process and provide structure to the inquiry activity. This guide will talk about the benefits of this type of approach for a student’s educational needs. Here are five key benefits of inquiry based learning.

Reinforces the Core Concepts of the Curriculum

Often, one of the criticisms of inquiry-based learning is that it ignores the curriculum. In reality, this type of education focuses on the main ideas of the curriculum by appealing to the student’s interest. As a result, facts that relate to the student’s interest are more readily retained.

Promotes Deeper Understanding

Unlike teaching unconnected facts, which are often forgotten after testing, inquiry-based learning promotes a deeper understanding of the subject being studied, committing it to long-term memory.

Teaches the Benefits of Education

Most students are not mature enough to appreciate education for its own sake. Still, inquiry-based learning emphasizes research on the student, making them appreciate how knowledge is cultivated.

Build Initiative and Self-direction

Fortune 500 companies are often looking for workers who display initiative and drive. Inquiry-based learning instills these values as students must plan their own research path and better prepare students for this type of work environment.

Offers Differentiated Instruction

Inquiry-based learning automatically differentiates for students with different learning styles as the students themselves are choosing how they consume content.


Inquiry based learning prepares students for the workplace and teaches the information to give them a deeper and longer-lasting connection to the material. Diversity education is just one benefit of social-emotional learning. Learn more about how Table SALT Group can guide your Career Pathway with tools for SEL, customize training for your organization or schedule a speaking engagement.

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